Presentations Available

15 - 90 minutes
The Sermon Slot (+more)
We are constantly building our repertoire of Storytelling Presentations. These could be an extended section from the Bible (Mission Of Paul 3 from Acts) or even an entire book of the Bible (e.g. Ruth) They could be quite short (e.g. Pentecost) or take up the whole time allowed for an event (e.g. Luke or Revelation). They are terrific for the beginning or end of a sermon series on the same material to bring together everything in one go or you may just wish to have a change from the usual program. Graphics, movie clips and more have been prepared for these to help you get the most out of hosting the presentation and encourage people to invite friends. Some short presentations, like Jonah have short talks available as part of the presentation if that works best.
Christmas and Easter
We will usually be taking a story around to different groups and churches around Christmas and Easter to give people a chance to hear and see the incredible original stories of Jesus life that are celebrated by the each year. Make sure that you book us in early for your event around that time.
Presentations currently available
- The Book of Revelation - our 2009 major production
- Jesus: According To Luke
- Easter
- The Gospel of John - The personal testimony from the disciple Jesus' loved
- Jonah - an extended storytelling of the prophet who tried to hide from God
- Mission Of Paul III - extended storytelling of Paul's third missionary journey
- Pamela and Rob - together in concert
- Pentecost - the coming of the Spirit and the birth of the Church
- The Book of Ruth - a Biblical Storytelling presentation from the Book of Ruth by Rob and Simone Turnbull
- Samuel - an extended storytelling about the Last Judge
- Second Timothy - The last words of the Apostle Paul