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Launch - Brochure, Campfire and Easter

Robert Turnbull

Hey everyone,

I hope that you all had a great Christmas and that your new year has started well. I've just come back from a fantastic week at the CMS conference 'Summer Under the Son' where Simone and I were doing storytellings for the Bible readings from 1 Samuel 1-8. Now I'm getting ready for starting full-time with the Backyard Bard in February.

Brochure Available

I'm currently working on a brochure for The Backyard Bard for 2008. I've got a draft of it available here on our website: http://www.thebackyardbard.com/TheBackyardBard-Brochure.pdf

Please download it and think about how the Backyard Bard could help you this year.

Campfire Launch

We will be having our first campfire for the year on Friday the 1st of Feb (in one week's time!). Campfire is an informal monthly get together for people who love Biblical Storytelling to chat and watch some storytellings and maybe even tell some yourself.

You can watch a trailer for Campfire here:


Friday, February 1 - 7:30pm
North Balwyn Baptist Church
136-140 Doncaster Rd. North Balwyn

I'm going to be sharing  a story from 1 Samuel and also maybe Revelation 1. I know one person will be telling the story of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15 and another telling part of the Christmas story from Luke as well. It'll be a fantastic night and it will be great to celebrate this new stage for the Backyard Bard having a full-time worker. Hope to see you there!

Easter According to Matthew

I'm pleased to announce that we will be preparing the Easter story from Matthew's Gospel this year. This will mean that The Backyard Bard has covered all four Easter stories from the Gospels over the last few years!

Please contact me if you are interested in having us perform this at your church or community this Easter.
I will have more information about this storytelling in my next big email.

Don't forget, Easter Sunday is on March 23 this year.

Catch you soon,



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