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Christmas + 2 Timothy + John

Robert Turnbull

G'day everyone,  

Hope your Christmas plans are shaping up well. Simon Camilleri, Daniel Farrugia and I will be all be doing separate Christmas performances at churches this Sunday (December 19th). If you are available, please come along.


Newport Baptist Church - 10am
26 Mason St, Newport


Canterbury Gardens Community Church - 10:30am

281 Colchester Road, Kilsyth South

Bundoora Presbyterian - 5:30 - 8:30pm

Union Hall, La Trobe University



I hope that some of you may have the chance to perform the Christmas story at your own churches/youth groups/carols events. If you are please let me know. If you want any advice, please feel free to ask myself or anyone else on our team.

Second Timothy

I'm pleased to announce a new storytelling presentation: Second Timothy. It's the first time any of us have performed an entire Epistle. The book of 2 Timothy is the last that we have from the Apostle Paul and it is deeply moving as Paul writes to his younger co-worker and beloved friend whilst in chains in Rome.


The presentation debuted at the 2010 National Training Event in Canberra before D.A. Carson began preaching through the book. You can see that performance here:


(if you enjoyed watching the clip, please share on Facebook and Twitter etc.)


All the information on how to host this storytelling is in this Hosting Invitation letter.

Please pass the link onto your church leadership team.


This storytelling of 2 Timothy will also form part of a 2011 production with myself and Simon Camilleri as we perform four of Paul's Epistles.

Stay tuned for more information next year.


The Gospel of John

Another storytelling presentation which has debuted recently is the Gospel of John. Though many parts of it have been performed throughout the year, it has only been shown in its entirety once. The feedback was very encouraging:


- Tears, excitement, laughter - I know the Gospel of John so well, but I still found myself breathless with excitement and anticipation at some parts!

- Again you brought the scriptures alive with some very moving moments and of course motivating me to read it more and praise and thank God for what he has done.

- Jesus was written big tonight.  


Bookings for John are available for next year. Please pass on the Hosting Invitation Letter to your church leadership team and that will get the ball rolling.


That's it from me. Have a great Christmas. I pray that many of you will be able to have a chance to discuss the original Christmas story with your friends and family over the next couple of weeks. This time of year is a great time to start reading the Gospels because Christmas is the beginning of the story.





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