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Elijah One Night Only + Crash Courses + Storytelling Presentations + Campfire

Robert Turnbull

Hey everyone,

Hope you are fairing well as Winter begins. I'm a little under the weather and have just lost my voice - which isn't good news for a storyteller! Nevertheless, here is the news for The Backyard Bard at the moment.

Elijah - US Tour Bon Voyage Show - One Night Only

Simon Camilleri is traveling to the USA and performing the 2007 production of ELIJAH as a one-man epic storytelling. He is performing this in Melbourne for ONE NIGHT ONLY on Saturday July 26. If you missed our production last year, this will be your final chance to see it. If you came last year, this is your last chance to bring friends along (and see how Simon has transformed the show into what he's taking to the USA!) We will also be giving a sneak peek of our upcoming 2008 production. 

Come along and show your support and enjoy a wonderful night of storytelling.

Saturday, July 26
Ian Roach Concert Hall
Scotch College
Morrison St. Hawthorn
Tickets $15
Website: http://www.thebackyardbard.com/elijah/BonVoyage.php

Crash Courses

Crash CourseJust a quick reminder of the Crash Courses. We are running courses on both Biblical Storytelling and Public Bible Reading. You can see promotional clips for the courses on our website here. Your eyes will be opened to a fresh way of enjoying God's Word as you are empowered to communicate the Bible with passion and creativity. 

Why not ask your church to sponsor half of the cost of going? If you are part of a church staff team, why not encourage a few of your congregation to come. If you would like postcards or a DVD promo for these courses, please just email me your address and I will send them out to you.

You can book by emailing in response to this email and letting me know which course (or both) that you are coming to. You can pay the money on the day.

Biblical Storytelling Crash Course - Saturday, June 28, 10am - 5pm
Public Bible Reading Crash Course - Saturday, July 19, 10am - 5pm
Cost: $35
Website: http://www.thebackyardbard.com/crashcourse/

Storytelling Presentations

We are now introducing a new mode of storytelling - Storytelling Presentations. These are storytellings in our repertoire that are longer than a Bible reading but shorter than a major production. You can find out more about them here: http://www.thebackyardbard.com/PresentationsOnOffer.php

The following ones are available:

Check our the information about them on our website and see if they would be appropriate for your community.


Last month, we tested our new format for 'Campfire' and it was terrific. This month, Simon Camilleri will be running a mini-workshop on 'Characterisation' - I'm really looking forward to it. Please check out our website for more information:


This Friday Night - June 6, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
North Balwyn Baptist Church
136-140 Doncaster Rd. North Balwyn.

That's it from me. Catch you soon,



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