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Biblical Storytelling for your church in 2009

Robert Turnbull


My name is Robert Turnbull and I'm from a Biblical Storytelling theatre company called The Backyard Bard.Backyard Bard - Stories Worth Telling Biblical Storytelling is where you take a section in the Bible, use it script and perform it word-for-word as a story.  You can find information about us from our brochure: www.thebackyardbard.com/TheBackyardBard-Brochure.pdf
You can also read recommendations about us on our website, include from Mike Raiter, Matt Jacoby (Sons of Korah), Nicky Chiswell, Andrew Reid and many more.

We have a many things which we can offer your church.

Jesus: According to Luke

This year, I have been performing "Jesus: According to Luke" in churches, schools and universities in Melbourne, Geelong and Sydney. The performance brings together stories word-for-word from Luke's Gospel, from the road to Bethlehem to the road to Emmaus. Churches have used it in place of Sunday church meetings or a special event during the week. A write up about one of those performances is on the SydneyAnglicans.net website where a church member found it "the easiest invitation to a church event they’d ever extended." 

Here are other comments that we've received about the show (amongst 100+ others viewable on our website)

  • "Enthralling..." - Tivoli
  • "Wow! The Bible comes alive..." - Jemimah
  • "Brilliant & moving! ..." - David
  • "Spectacular! Adored it! ..." - Karia
  • "...Your narration brought me again close to Jesus in a very special way..." - Esther
  • "... I will eagerly read Luke ASAP" - Anonymous

We provide promotional material to help your church make the most of the event.
The storytelling is available in it's entirety (two 45 minute intervals) or as shorter sections.
Find out more by downloading our Hosting Invitation Letter: www.thebackyardbard.com/Luke/downloads/Luke-HostingInvitationLetter.pdf
Please contact me right away to find out more.

The Book of Revelation

One of the exiting new projects is a storytelling performance of the entire Book of Revelation which will be part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival. Storytelling is an ideal medium to communicate this riveting book, which was originally intended to be read aloud. Its grand themes

 will be unmistakable as the graphic visions of the book unfold. Not only will the audience have entered into a great understanding of Revelation, they will come away with a far deeper and larger understanding of God.

Like Luke, this comes in 90minutes (two 45 minute intervals) and would be fantastic as a church service or a special event.

Please download our Hosting Invitation Letter to find out more: www.thebackyardbard.com/revelation/downloads/Revelation-HostingInvitationLetter.pdf

Biblical Storytellings for Bible Readings

A powerful yet simple way to use Biblical Storytelling is to have a storytelling in the usual spot for the Bible reading at church or conferences. This means that the congregation have already engaged thoroughly with the scripture text even before the preacher stands up and greatly deepens the impact of the sermon. Andrew Reid has described it as "bliss for the preacher".

As you would expect, Biblical Storytelling is in its element for narrative passages but we've told many passages from many genres and have always found it extremely helpful for the hearers.

Please contact me right away to express interest or to ask questions.

Other Storytelling Presentations

We have a number of shorter storytelling presentations on offer as well, including:

Please download a catalogue to find out more about these:

Thanks for reading and I hope that we will be able to partner together in ministry somehow.

Yours  sincerely,

Robert Turnbull
0422 544 511
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RobTurnbull
Facebook: http://facebook.com/RobTurnbull


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