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The Gospel of John + 2 Timothy + Sydney, Sunday July 11th

Robert Turnbull

G'day everyone,

I've got some exciting new projects to let you know about.

The Gospel of John

A number of you have seen our Easter storytelling from John's Gospel (by Simon Camilleri or myself). I've been working hard over the last few weeks to develop that into a larger show which I'm now pleased to offer to your community. It goes for 90 minutes, in two halves (like the Luke and Revelation shows). John's Gospel is fantastic to do as a storytelling because the stories have such rich details with really interesting characters and dialogue, and of course the words and theology are breathtaking.

Please download the Hosting Invitation Letter and give it to your church/community leadership team:

Please let me know if you're interested.

Shorter versions are available as well (either 30, 45 or 60 minutes). 

I'll be performing a number of the chapters on the different evenings at Don Carson's talks at Ridley's Christ-Expo in August:

Storey Hall, 342 Swanston Street, opposite Melbourne Central.
Monday 23rd August – Friday 27th August,
7:00pm for 7:30pm start each night, finish by 9:00pm
Sponsored by Ridley Melbourne, 170 The Avenue Parkville, 3052.

The talks will be sensational, please come along and invite your friends to hear one of today's greatest Christian minds.

Second Timothy

I've also been busy preparing a storytelling of 2 Timothy. The letter stands as the Apostle Paul's last words and gives a moving impression of his final days. Though bound in chains, his confidence in God and the Gospel is unshakable.

The storytelling would be great as part of any series on Paul's life, the letter itself or anything related to the growth of the Gospel. It only goes for a short time (roughly 20 minutes), so it leaves lots of room to have other things around it.

There is no Hosting Invitation Letter as of yet (nor graphics) but please let me know if your church would be interested.

Sydney Date Free - Sunday July 11th

I'm going up to Sydney in a week, and I haven't yet found an opportunity to do a storytelling on the afternoon/evening of Sunday July 11th. If your church would be interested in a Bible storytelling (anywhere from 5 minutes to 90 minutes), please let me know.

Revelation Shows Coming Up

There are still chances to see the Revelation show: 

St Ives Community Church
Sunday, 10:00 am, July 11th
32 Horace Street, St Ives, NSW

Christ Church Hawthorn
Sunday, 6:00 pm, August 8th
Cnr Denham & Church Streets Hawthorn

Community Church Warragul
Sunday, 9:00 am and 11:00 am, October 10th
Corner of King and Wills Street Warragul

Training Material

I've uploaded my notes for the Biblical Storytelling Workshop and also the Public Bible Reading Workshop. Please feel free to read through the notes and I hope they are useful. You don't need us to come do a storytelling for your church or group. If you've seen a storytelling and you're passionate about God's Word, you've got all that you need. Hopefully this training material may be able to help make the first step easier. If you want to give it a go, and you want some help, please get in touch.

On the Horizon

We've been discussing and planning about future shows. We're hoping to have performances of Ecclesiastes and also David sometime in the near future. More about that next time...

That's all from me. Thanks!


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