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First Ever 'Campfire' is starting on July 6

Robert Turnbull

Hey everyone,

I hope you are all going well and not feeling to cold as we head further into winter. I'm pleased to announce one of the most exciting things that The Backyard Bard are starting. This July, we are going to have our very first 'Campfire'. These will be informal get-togethers for anyone who enjoys talking about, listening to or practising Biblical Storytelling. You can come with a story prepared (or even half-prepared) or you could come just ready to enjoy the friendship and listen to some stories. (I will be busy preparing a storytelling on 1 Samuel 26 for the week after so I hope that I'll have some part of it ready to tell that night.)

First ever 'Campfire'
Friday, July 6
8:00pm - 10:30pm (or whenever you leave)
Rob and Simone's Place
32 Westerfield Drv.
Notting Hill (Map)
Click here to look at the 'Facebook' event for this.

Our dream is to see lot's of people enjoying the stories in the Bible and telling them in lots of ways and in lots of places. We think that this kind of regular event will help everyone get into Biblical Storytelling for themselves. We're probably going to be running this kind of event monthly, on the first Friday night of every month.

Please send me an email if you think you are coming.



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