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Pentecost + Special Easter Campfire Night

Robert Turnbull

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a great Easter and had some time to reflect story afresh.
Welcome also to those of you who joined our email list during Easter.

I've had a few days holiday after all the Easter storytelling and now I'm set to get back to work and organising our next storytelling offering.


pentecostI'm pleased to offer a storytelling of 'Pentecost' over the next few weeks. Pentecost is a fantastic day for Christians of all denominations to celebrate the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ and the gift and power of the Holy Spirit. We're telling the story from Acts 1 and 2. You can watch Simon Camilleri's storytelling of it from 2005 as well as download our invitation letter to host the storytelling on our Pentecost website:


Hosting Invitation Letter direct link:- http://www.thebackyardbard.com/pentecost/Pentecost-HostingInvitationLetter.pdf

Please email me to register your interest in having one of us along. Get back to me soon because Pentecost (May 11th) isn't far away!

Easter Campfire

CampfireMany of you know about our monthly informal get-togethers we call 'Campfire'. They are to give people a chance to show stories that they have prepared in a relaxed setting. This time we thought we'd do something different, it's going to be a special 'Easter' themed one. Daniel Farrugia, Simon Camilleri and myself will be there so we will be sharing some of Easter from Matthew's Gospel (which would be a great opportunity for you to come and see if you missed it over the Easter weekend) plus others of you have told me that you will be sharing your stories from Easter from different Gospels. I will try to get some Easter Eggs and hot cross buns if I can find them and we can enjoy the story again. If you were planning on sharing a story this Campfire and it wasn't from Easter, don't worry, just come and tell your story anyway.

Friday, April 4th - 7:30pm
North Balwyn Baptist
136-140 Doncaster Rd., North Balwyn

On the horizon

We're hoping to have two one-day crash courses closer to the middle of the year. One for Biblical Storytelling and one for doing normal Bible readings. Please contact me to register your interest.

The name of our 2008 major production for September-November is soon to be announced. Please stay tuned to further announcements of this and think about how it could fit into your church's calendar.

Catch you soon,



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