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More Easter Shows and Different Time for Good Friday storytelling

Robert Turnbull

Hey everyone,

As of yesterday, there are 3 more times when you can see the 'Easter According to John' storytelling.

Easter Sunday - April 8

9am and also 11am - St Hillarys Anglican Church, 12 John St, Kew - 5pm (Simon - Just the resurrection story).
10:15 - Mentone Baptist, Corner Warrigal Rd. and Harpley St. Mentone (Rob)

Correction to time for Good Friday storytelling

The Good Friday storytelling that Rob is doing at Bayside church is not at 10:30am as I said in the earlier email but at 10am. Make sure that you get there at the right time otherwise you'll probably miss the storytelling!

I hope you all have a chance to consider again of the powerful story of Jesus' death and resurrection during this Easter.

RobPosted by Robert Turnbull on Thursday 11:43 am, April 5 2007 - Permalink


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