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Easter According to Matthew + Campfire

Robert Turnbull

Hello everyone,

Just a couple quick announcements from me.

Easter According to Matthew

As many of you know, each year we prepare to tell the Easter story from one of the four Gospels and we offer it as a service to Christian communities and churches. This year we are offering ‘Easter according to Matthew’ (Matthew 26-28) and this will mean that we've told the story from all four Gospel writers after this!

Three of us will be preparing the storytelling (to tell individually): Simon Camilleri, Daniel Farrugia and myself. That means that we should be able to better cope with more bookings over the Easter weekend. Even still - we are already being booked up fast.

You can download a copy of our invitation letter by following this link:


Please have a look at the letter and see if it's something that would benefit the community that you are a part of.
Please feel free to pass it on to anyone who might be interested in it.

I will be putting information up on our website such as booking dates and that kind of thing as they come in.
At the moment you can view images of the postcards and the poster that we've designed for the show so far:



Campfire is our monthly informal get-together where people get to chat and share some stories. At the beginning of Feb we had our first Campfire and we were delighted with the turn-out! We've managed to secure the same venue (not nessisarily the same room) until June. For your information, the next four 'Campfires' will be at:

North Balwyn Baptist Church
136-140 Doncaster Rd.
North Balwyn (See map)

It will always be on the first Friday of the month. The dates are as follows:

March 7th - (Facebook Event)
April 4th - (Facebook Event)
May 2nd - (Facebook Event)
June 6th - (Facebook Event)

I always love to know when people are coming - especially if you are planning on sharing a story. We had quite a few people sharing stories a couple of weeks ago which was wonderful. Please just ask me if you want a little help getting ideas or how to get started.




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