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Touring Art Gallery + Elijah & Esther DVDs + Campfire

Robert Turnbull

G'day everyone,

The Adventures of ElishaWe are exactly one month away from the opening night of 'The Adventures of Elisha'.
I'm really excited about it - it's shaping up to be an awesome show: funny, powerful and reveals awesome things about God. I hope you're looking forward to it as well.

There is still a chance for your community to host it!
Just download this hosting invitation letter and pass it on to the church leadership team:

Touring Art Gallery for Elisha

Are you a Christian artist ?
Do you paint / sculpt / draw / whatever ?
Would you like your work displayed to over 1000 people?

One of the exciting things we're experimenting with for this year's show is inviting Christian artists to contribute artwork inspired by stories from 'Elisha' to be displayed in the Front-of-house area for each show. This gives artists a great amount of exposure and gives the audience another dimension to engage with these fantastic stories.

If you are a Christian artist or know someone who is, please check out this information letter and pass it around:

Elijah & Esther DVDs

I'm putting the final touches on the Elijah DVD which was filmed at Simon's Bon Voyage night last month. It will be ready sometime next week hopefully. The DVD of our 2006 production of Esther has been out for a couple of months now. Both DVDs are jam packed with special features and information about the stories. Both cost only $20. 

Please email me to order either of these DVDs.


The next Campfire is on Friday, September 5th. This will be final Campfire until the Elisha season is finished. It will be using our new format of having a Mini-workshop, Discussion and Storytelling time.

The workshop will be on 'Surfing the Hermenutical Cascade'. Have you ever read a quirky part of the Old Testament and wondered 'How on earth can this apply to me?' then this workshop is for you.

During the storytelling presentation time, some of the storytellers in Elisha will be showing a couple of stories from the show - so if you want a sneak peak, come along and check it out.

Friday, September 5th - 7:30 - 9:30pm
North Balwyn Baptist Church
136-140 Doncaster Rd. North Balwyn

Check out the website for more information - or for suggestions for stories that you can tell:

That's it for me, catch you soon.



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