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One Day Crash Course is only a few weeks away

Robert Turnbull Hey everyone,

I hope that you all had a great Christmas and holiday over the new year.

The training day that we advertised during 'Esther' has almost arrived. We are busy preparing to make it a fantastic day. Here are the details:

Saturday 27th of January, 2007
10pm - 5pm
St. Silas Hall
Cnr. Maud St. & Osburn Ave.
North Balwyn
Cost: Only $35!
(The flier with all the information on it is attached at the bottom of the email)

People have asked us a few questions as they've heard about the course:

Who is this course for?

Basically we would like anyone who has enjoyed Biblical Storytelling before to come and see how easy and fun it really is.

Are you someone who:
  • reads the Bible up front in church
  • wants to connect more with the stories in the Bible
  • teaches the Bible to kids at sunday school or Christian Education at schools
  • wants to try storytelling at an event at their church/uni or at a special event
then you will get a lot out of this day.
NO EXPERIENCE IS NESSESARY. Please come and give it a go. 


What will be happening?

  • A never-before-seen storytelling performance
  • Three workshops on the art of Biblical Storytelling
  • BBQ lunch
  • A chance to spend time with an experienced storyteller as you prepare to tell a story.


How do I sign up?

You need to register before you come. You can do that by responding to this email and telling me your name and phone number or you can register from the website:

If you have any questions please email me.


<Image: Crash Course Flier - You may need to unblock images to see it>


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