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Crash Course + Elijah Promotion + Benefactor Email List

Robert Turnbull

G'day everyone,

I've just had a storytelling free week (which was needed!) while I was away at an excellent acting course. I'm going to be incorporating what I learned into future training that The Backyard Bard does (including this week's Public Bible Reading course).

Public Bible Reading Crash Course

Public Bible Reading Crash CourseA few weeks ago, we hosted the Biblical Storytelling crash course. This is what some of the participants had to say:

Extremely helpful.
Very encouraging & safe environment.
To come away with a story I could tell without looking at the words far exceeded my expectations.
Great the focus was on God’s Word, not on our performance.
Exceptional value for money (fantastic catering too!)
It was better than I expected.
Very Practical.

You still have the opportunity to come to our Public Bible Reading crash course. It is happening this Saturday. Booking is essential.
Please email me back to say that you are coming and I will reply with the confirmation email which has all the information you'll need.

I gave a trial of this Public Bible Reading course at a Christian Union student conference a couple of weeks ago and I was amazed at the results.
After just a short time, all the students read the Bible out loud at the end of the workshop and every single one far exceeded what I'd normally expect from Bible reading at a church service.

Public Bible Reading Crash Course
Saturday, July 19, 10am - 5pm
Cost: $35
Website: http://www.thebackyardbard.com/crashcourse/

(Sydney residents - I will have more information about future crash courses in Sydney in the next email. It looks like they will be happening in November)

Elijah Promotional Material

Elijah ShowAs you will probably know, Simon Camilleri is touring last year's Elijah show around the USA. Before he leaves, he is performing the show for ONE NIGHT ONLY in Melbourne. There is a promotional DVD as well as a poster and flyers which you can use to advertise the event at your church.

You can view the trailer and download the poster here on our website:

If you would like a copy of the DVD and/or a pile of flyers to distribute, please tell me so by replying to this email and tell me what address to post the material to. The performance is less than two weeks away, so if you want to have the material by this Sunday to distribute, you need to let me know as soon as possible.

Here are the details for the night:
Saturday, July 26
Ian Roach Concert Hall
Scotch College
Morrison St. Hawthorn
Tickets $15
Website: http://www.thebackyardbard.com/elijah/BonVoyage.php

Backyard Bard Benefactors

As a Christian Ministry, The Backyard Bard relies on the partnership and support of the local Christian community.
We see prayer and financial support as partnership because it is making a real contribution to bringing the stories of the Bible to the people of our country.

We are introducing a new way of being in partnership with The Backyard Bard. It's called being a 'Backyard Bard Benefactor'.

You can be part of a team of people who give financially for specific needs throughout the year. These needs could be:

  • for equipment for The Backyard Bard to continue our ministry
  • to subsidise churches which cannot pay for the cost of storytelling performances
  • to subsidise people who cannot pay for training courses

You will receive an email roughly once-a-month with a list of things for you to consider contributing towards.
If there is something on that list that you would like to give money to, then you have the opportunity to make your donation.
You can unsubscribe to this list at any time.

If you would like to subscribe to this list - simply click here.

That's it from me, see you soon,


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